Hazel Da Breo | Feminist Narrative Research
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Feminist Narrative Research

Feminist Narrative Research

It’s My Party, I’ll Cry If I Want To: Interpreting Narratives of Sexual Abuse in Childhood

Chapter – pp 151–177
First Online:


This chapter is based on narrative research with ten women survivors of child sexual abuse. It explores narrativity as a coping strategy and the ways in which women used storytelling to construct positions of survivorhood and victimhood. We aim to provide deeper understandings of the impact of childhood sexual victimisation but in doing so also examine the subjective location of the researcher. We argue that, despite the importance placed in narrative research on the concept of the co-construction of meaning based on interaction between participant and researcher, the emotional presence and impact of the researcher is often underplayed. Drawing on our own wide-ranging professional and personal repertoires, we suggest that claims of authenticity are only really authentic where they recognise not only the voice of the storyteller but also of the listener.

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