Hazel Da Breo | Technique
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A word about what psychotherapy is not

A word about what psychotherapy is not

It is not prescriptive. I will not scold you, lecture you, shame or blame you, or provide you with instructions. However, as some colleagues have noted, in some cultural contexts, psychotherapy is not always understood for its depth of enquiry or for its non-prescriptive approach. If working within a demographic where there are large numbers of individuals and groups who have suffered trauma, or are experiencing chronic poverty and hopelessness, clients may say “I am in a dire mess. I need clear and detailed instructions on how to get out of this mess, right now.” In such a case, where the psychotherapist will have made a commitment to work with the particular needs of that particular demographic, she will necessarily adjust methodologies to suit.

However, in my private practice, I make every effort to hold to the classic psychodynamic psychotherapy format and tradition, as far as that is possible, or desirable. Most importantly, this is a client-centred practice and I move at my clients’ pace.

I provide a quiet, private, confidential and non-judgemental space, where a gentle enquiry into all things that ail you may begin. The ultimate goal is to help you overcome whatever difficulties you are experiencing in your day-to-day life, so that you can live in a more creative and satisfying fashion.

It is important to note that these are the same goals and patterns that I practice outside of the clinical space, and which also inform my business and social dealings.

Sessions normally last one hour.

In the first session, I will try to gain a sense of what your presenting issue is, and determine whether I think I can be helpful, or whether I should refer you to another type of professional. Please note that I have a close circle of trusted colleagues from the fields of medicine, psychiatry, psychology, social work, and law. Whatever issues I cannot solve myself, I can seek consultation around, or make a direct referral to. Please note that no consultations or referrals are undertaken without your expressed consent. My circle of colleagues also includes yoga instructors, physical fitness coaches, nutritionists, and other health professionals. My goal as a mental health practitioner is to ensure than each client receives the very best care possible, whether with myself or with another.

In the first session, you, the client, will also be sizing me up! All things being equal, with 100 psychotherapists having equivalent credentials lined up in a row, the thing that makes the difference in the success of your treatment is the relationship you will form with one of them.

At the end of the first session, we will together decide whether we should continue meeting, and with what frequency.

Psychotherapy sessions normally occur once per week, for one hour per session.

However, if a client is undergoing a particularly stressful time, they may wish to come more often.It is quite difficult to predict in advance how many sessions will be necessary before a client’s issue can be alleviated or resolved. For example, a person may present one issue that he feels he needs to work through. But, in the process of depth enquiry, several other issues may come to light which will take a longer time to process than first indicated. Similarly, a client may present as though the whole world rests upon her shoulders, but then find that in just a few sessions, this weight has entirely shifted.

Whether a client will attend several times per week for a brief but intense intervention (as in preparation for a court case, an exam, or to manage a contentious divorce), or attend once weekly for a period of years (as in severe depression, chronic illness, existential concerns, or simple commitment to personal growth), this will be decided between client and therapist as time goes on.In person sessions are $200 EC in the Caribbean and $120 CAN in Canada.Skype fees are negotiated in relation to length and frequency of sessions.Phone, email and text supports are also negotiable depending on the issues and frequency of contact.Fees are generally payable at the time of each session.

I do not file health insurance claims or communicate with insurance company representatives.

If your health insurance covers psychotherapy and you wish to file insurance claims, I will provide the information necessary for you to do so. Please be aware that use of health insurance necessarily entails some intrusion on privacy, as health insurance companies require formal diagnoses and may retain records indefinitely